Our Library

  • Welcome to the GES Library Media Center!

    Students working on a group research project in the GES library!


    The GES library is a learning library! Students come to the library once a week as a class. We learn about authors, illustrators, story elements, genres, while also practicing our information research skills. We also participate in creative learning through writing, drawing and even STEM challenges! Students can also checkout books when they come to library class. It is the library's mission to not only support learning and instruction at GES but also help foster the love of reading!


    Checkout Policy

    Library books can be checked out for a two week period. Students are allowed to renew their library books two times. At this time, we do not charge overdue or late book fines. However, we assess a fine for damaged or lost library books. Kindergarten and First grades can check out one library book at a time. Second grade students can check out two library books, and Third through Fifth grades can check out three library books. 



  • Librarian:
    Brandi Craven

    7:50 am-11:55 am & 12:30 pm-2:40 pm